Tips For Great Bridal Makeup

1- "Don't use a lipstick color that is too dark and brown. It will photograph even darker against your white dress and the tone can make brides look depressed. Test the color by taking a picture in darker lighting to ensure you really like it."

2- "Stay away from shimmering body products. They can make you look like you are sweating in photos."

3- "Line your eyes with an eye shadow instead of a pencil. When brides get nervous and their body temperature increases, a wax pencil will bleed. To keep the shadow liner on, top it with an eyeliner sealor (such as LaFemme Eyeliner Sealor)."

4- "The greatest bridal product is the Face to Face Matte Antishine. It keeps women looking matte and calm. It is also great for the groom. It will keep him shine free and will combat sweaty palms."

5- "Filtered effects are not very timeless. Use natural crisp light and blend your shadows and blushes with a sponge."

6- "Schedule an hour and a half to do your own makeup on the morning of your wedding. This will give you plenty of time and allow you to calmly apply your colors."

7- "When putting on your shadow, apply and then blend with a sponge. Use a light color on your lid and browbone, a slightly darker color in the crease and a darker accent color on the outer corner area. Blend the outer corner inward. Keep adding color and then blending until perfect. (It may take a dozen repeats of this process.) At the end put a very pale color on the crest of the lid, to help those eyes really pop."

8- "Consider using a white pencil to accent the inner corner of your eye. It gives off a "twinkle" in photos and makes you look well rested."

9- "Get the Girls Night Out Collection by Alcone. It has all the products and full-proof instructions on how to apply false eyelashes---the must-have component of any bridal makeup job"

10- "Use Fast Lash to create a dramatic false eyelash look during your rehearsal dinner and while on your honeymoon."

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